I Love Your Accent Say It Again Liqua Sto

What does your accent say almost you?

For many years, the BBC would only allow RP accents to appear on its airwaves (Credit: BBC)

Accents can be subject to subtle forms of prejudice, but does that mean some are more than highly-seasoned and trustworthy than others? BBC Time to come takes a look.


On 14 November 1922 the BBC broadcast its first radio report to the nation. Nosotros tin't heed to it because information technology was non recorded, but we know this: the broadcast was read in flawless received pronunciation (RP), commonly known every bit the Queen's English. Information technology is considered to be the language of elites, power and royalty.

For many years, the BBC would only let RP accents to appear on its airwaves. That this emphasis became synonymous with the voice of a nation had clear connotations. RP was trusted, authoritarian and sincere. Fortunately, the BBC now allows all sorts of regional accents on its broadcasts – and even encourages information technology, aiming to both represent the various audience the BBC has and to describe new people in.

While the BBC no longer broadcasts merely in RP, it turns out that the bias that in one case existed for it is nevertheless ripe in society today. Our accents tin can provide a window into our social backgrounds – and our biases. Our partialities can be and so strong that they even affect our perception of who is, or is non, trustworthy.

  • Do you have a secret British accent?
  • Does your accent brand you audio smarter?
  • Has the Queen become frightfully mutual?

Humans are very quick to judge a person based on accents, and are often unaware we do so. "Accent tin can trigger social categorisation in a prompt, automatic, and occasionally unconscious way," says Ze Wang of the University of Cardinal Florida. We often can identify a person's accent as soon they say hello.

Babies learn to recognise familiar voices in the womb (Credit: Getty Images)

Babies acquire to recognise familiar voices in the womb (Credit: Getty Images)

Our trust for certain accent starts extremely immature. At that place is bear witness to evidence that affinity for language even starts before nascency. We know for example that babies prefer the linguistic communication they heard most while in the womb. In 1 study, researchers repeatedly played a fabricated-upward word while women were pregnant. When the babies were born, brain scans showed that but babies who had heard this discussion responded to it.

By the time babies are several months sometime, they can differentiate between languages and dialects. Early, babies start to have an affinity for others who speak their native language. In ane 2007 Harvard University experiment, babies watched 2 people speak on a screen, 1 in a familiar tongue and 1 that was foreign. I on-screen speaker then offered the babies a toy – which magically popped upwardly from behind the screen at the same fourth dimension. The babies preferred the toy given by the person who spoke their native language and accent.

"Right abroad in the first yr of life babies are starting to evidence this social preference – moving towards someone who speaks in a mode that's familiar to them," says the report's atomic number 82 researcher Katherine Kinzler, at present at Cornell Academy.

Prince Charles speaks the Queen's English while Cheryl Tweedy has a strong Newcastle accent (Credit: Getty Images)

Prince Charles speaks the Queen'south English while Cheryl Tweedy has a strong Newcastle emphasis (Credit: Getty Images)

To Kinzler, accents are under-studied. They tie us to our identity in a like way that our gender and race does. For some children, accent tin be a more powerful indicator of group identity than race, she has constitute. When five-year-olds were shown pictures of either black or white children, they preferred those who were the same race. At this age, they don't have the motivation to control prejudice in the mode adults exercise, says Kinzler.

Merely when colour was pitted against accent, the children preferred those who shared their accent – even if they were of a dissimilar race.

This piece of work reveals that in our early on years, the accents nosotros trust well-nigh are those which audio familiar. It makes sense that nosotros trust somebody who speaks like united states, says Kinzler; they are likely to know more information most your own community.

In another study, she plant that children trust native speakers amend than they do foreign-accented speakers.

Some people are prejudiced against regional accents (Credit: Alamy)

Some people are prejudiced confronting regional accents (Credit: Alamy)

As children grow up they become more attuned to the social status or stereotypes that take been glued on to diverse accents. RP English is said to audio posh and powerful, whereas people who speak Cockney English, the emphasis of working-class Londoners, frequently experience prejudice. The Birmingham emphasis fares fifty-fifty worse – which could exist the issue of Television receiver shows which depicted its residents as "slow, lazy and thick", researchers wrote. Indeed, 1 poll found the Birmingham accent to the lowest degree attractive but rated Irish equally having the nicest twang.

(Take our quiz on British accents to find out which part of Britain you speak most like – fifty-fifty if y'all aren't British.)

When it comes to trusting accents, there seem to be 2 things at play. Start, an accent represents function of your identity. But equally you get older this might disharmonism with an accent you aspire to sound more like, say one that is deemed more prestigious, or less stuck-up. Ane 2013 poll of more than 4,000 people found RP and Devon accents the about trustworthy, while the to the lowest degree trustworthy was deemed to exist Liverpudlian (from Liverpool). The Cockney accent came a close 2nd for untrustworthiness. These accents scored similarly when asked almost intelligence.

These are snapshot results, though. In existent life, trust in accents tin can alter over time depending on our social circles and daily relationships. A study by Ilaria Torre of Plymouth Academy found that trust in an accent tin alter depending on offset impressions and judgements. In her report, participants heard either a standard southern English language emphasis or a lesser-trusted Liverpudlian accent. If a person who spoke in the 'trustworthy'' emphasis so went onto behave fairly – by returning a generous budgetary investment, for example – then this get-go impression of trustworthiness increased.

Some teachers feel they have to modify regional accents (Credit: Getty Images)

Some teachers feel they accept to change regional accents (Credit: Getty Images)

If, nonetheless, a person spoke with the 'trusted' accent and they went on to behave in an untrustworthy way, they were deemed fifty-fifty less trustworthy than the person who had both an 'untrustworthy' emphasis and behaviour. The study participants "were punishing them, so to speak, for not living upwardly to the participants' expectations," says Torre. The reverse happened, also: those who were judged as untrustworthy only acted nicely were able to undo negative preconceptions. In other words, the 'untrustworthy'-sounding Liverpudlians (apologies, any readers from Liverpool) were redeemed when they behaved in a desirable style.

This reveals something Torre feels has been overlooked – our accent biases can be reduced by contact with individuals we initially think audio suspicious. "By interacting with speakers of many different accents we might realise our biases are unfounded and our trustworthy perception of that accent can change as well," she says.

The media plays a office besides. Upmarket grocer Marks & Spencer frequently has a soothing, RP voice-over on its adverts, for instance, while the more budget brand Republic of iceland oft featured former popstar Kerry Katona, who grew upwards in Warrington, a town betwixt Manchester and Liverpool – until she was kicked off their adverts because of an alleged drug problem.

Children prefer those who sound most like them (Credit: Alamy)

Children prefer those who sound virtually like them (Credit: Alamy)

In the Britain, some school teachers even have been asked to modify their accents to sound less regional. Of course, says the University of Manchester's Alexander Baratta, while some people notice regional accents to audio less educated, others think they sound more in-touch, sincere and friendly and that posh accents are more common cold or arrogant. (This may be one reason why the Queen has been toning downward her RP vocalization throughout the decades.) Some studies have found that people from Yorkshire seem to audio more honest than Londoners, for instance.

Accent biases are common against foreign accents besides. A study led by Ze Wang showed that US participants trusted British accents more than Indian accents. "People ofttimes accept negative bias toward non-standard accents, specially those with disadvantaged and low-prestige minority groups," she says. For instance, she found that those with Mexican or Greek accents were perceived as less intelligent or professional than those who speak standard US English.

Another study showed that our accents can even limit our professional person opportunities. Regional German accents were seen as less desirable than standard German, despite the same being said. Merely in Switzerland people preferred their surgeon to accept a regional accent than a "standard" High german one, perhaps considering Swiss German is the most normally spoken dialect.

When information technology comes to trusting accents, we depend both on what we know and on what club has conditioned us to aspire to. But if we all took a moment to cease and actually listen to each other, we might learn to honey the eclectic and varied accents that make up our multicultural world… rather than basing our trust on implicit biases that we larn even before nascency.

Melissa Hogenboom is BBC Future's staff writer. She is @melissasuzanneh  on twitter.

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Source: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20180307-what-does-your-accent-say-about-you

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